Thursday, December 31, 2015

Winter Solstice celebration with Senior Citizens of Relau Rumah Charis (20/12/2015)

"关怀之友关爱幼老系列活动" 之小小汤圆献关怀, 与湖内恩惠爱老院同庆冬至

谢谢大家出钱出力,把爱带给更多的人. Thank you for all your support and contribution that brings the festive joy to the senior citizens.

Lunch and Ang Pow giving
Musical performance by kids and volunteers

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Winter Solstice celebration with Senior Citizens of Relau Rumah Charis


小小汤圆献关怀, 与湖内恩惠爱老院同庆冬至

趁传统节日冬至节来临之际,槟州关怀之友协会将于20/12/2015探访湖内恩惠爱老院同庆冬至,与长者一起搓汤圆,吃午餐,并为长者送上日常用品。我们还会表演一连串精心编排的歌曲节目。希望藉此活动引导青年走进长者的世界,给予长者更多的关怀。有意加入我们成为义工或捐助的朋友可电邮至 或游览我们的面子书

Persatuan Sahabat Prihatin Pulau Pinang will be visiting Relau Rumah Charis Home for the Senior Citizens on 20/12/2015 in conjunction with the Winter Solstice Festival. We will celebrate the Winter Solstice Festival with "Tang Yuan" and luncheon as well as donation of daily essentials to the home. The senior citizens will be entertained with musical performance while having their lunch. Whoever wish to join us as volunteer or wish to donate can email to or visit us on FB @